Let's make something new - Stop plastic waste

Material 1

Non-eligible plastic containers - we dispose so much plastic waste every day and many of them cannot be properly recycled or up cycled. We are here to make an innovative lab to make something new out of wasted plastics - shampoos, detergents, non-eligible plastic containers, any plastic containers.

Material 2

For corporation to upcycle their collected  plastics - Bubble Tea Cups, Coffee Cups, Straws, Banners etc 

We can help you to come up with an idea what is possible for your collectives and also we can even recommend what materials are best for future products for up cycling.

Let's make something new

Step One

From Queensland - 

Step Two

Disposal plastic waste 

Step Three

With locals - 

Step Four

For locals

Step Five

Create value - 

Step Six

Make impact - 

The Team

How we came up with the idea

Contribute and be part of the team

Let's work together.

Our experience

Inspiration and identity

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